3 Most Common Myths About a Pet Dog’s Poop

Just as we humans do, dogs need to answer nature’s calls. If you provide your doggy doo with superior quality dog food, then your doggy might digest it relatively quickly, assimilate the nutrients, and expel the poop with little trouble. And not to forget your duties too! As a dog parent, it is your job to clean up what your pet pal excretes. Additionally, you should be vigilant about checking for and preventing different types of ticks dogs can get.

However, if you don’t adopt the proper method to discard your dog’s poop, you may create more environmental problems. And if you bury it in your garden, make sure the household members avoid contact with it; otherwise, they may contract a bacterial, viral, or parasitic disease. On the flip side, if you caught your doggy gobbling some poop, you need to meet your vet to know about how to handle your poop-eating dog. Dog parents may claim the vet visit charges through their cheap pet insurance, just as they would for illnesses and injuries. The best pet insurance allows you to take your pet dog for regular checkups without having second thoughts about the finances involved.

In this article, we focus on the most common myths about dog poop. Also, read guard dogs for sale to educate yourself about it.

Myth 1:

Dog Poop is an excellent fertilizer for your backyard!

Not all dog poops are created equal. No two dog poops’ contents are identical. While plant-eating animals’ poop can be used as a fertilizer, dogs feed on meat that makes their poop highly acidic and not so suitable for your lawn use or growing garden plants.

Dog poop may contain harmful bacteria, viruses, parasites, hookworms, tapeworms, roundworms, etc., that threaten human health.

It also takes a long time to decompose completely, so it isn’t a great idea to dispose of on your lawn. Don’t mess with dog poop! Just imagine what could happen when it’s heavily pouring outside. The toxic feces are washed out into stormwater drains and may poison the lakes or rivers they drain into. Apart from contaminating the water, they may adversely affect marine life too.

Myth 2:

Composting dog poop is enriching!

Pet owners need to compost dog poop correctly. You must never use dog’s waste in a vegetable garden or around fruit trees. Composting dog waste doesn’t eliminate the parasites (if any are present) in regular domestic compost piles.

Myth 3:

Bagging poop and tossing it is the best solution!

Modern landfills are designed only to store waste and not to decompose them. So disposed poop bags may take tens to hundreds of years to decompose completely. Even the ‘biodegradable’ bags take a long time to break down entirely. Also, it may lead to the formation of an explosive compound called methane gas that can cause fire hazards.

Well, pack your doggy’s poop and dispose of it neatly instead of leaving it on your neighbour’s lawn. Or you can dig a hole over twelve inches deep to bury your doggy’s poop in your lawn, so your pet doesn’t ingest it.

Usually, nothing severe happens when a dog eats its poop. Still, there might be an underlying medical condition that makes your doggy want to eat poop. Consult your vet to seek proper guidance on how to set your doggy on the right path to health and wellness.

Cheap dog insurance covers your pet doggy for any diagnosis and treatment of illness. Purchase the best pet insurance benefits for your furry friend so they can have regular checkups for early diagnosis of any hidden health issues at affordable costs.

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