15 Ways You Can Optimize Your Bedroom for Better Sleep

You cannot enjoy good health without getting proper sleep. CDC estimation shows that around 70 million Americans have chronic sleep problems. You might also be a victim of sleep problems without knowing about it!

Getting proper sleep is impossible without setting up your bedroom. Keep reading to find fifteen helpful tips to optimize your bedroom for a healthy sleeping routine.

1.    Choose the right bed

Sleeping in an improper bed can cause health problems. Check your bed to see if it’s fit for proper sleep. Take a look at the best bed frames to pick the one that you like the most. Dust mites can also disturb your sleep. Be sure to replace your mattress if it’s more than seven years old to get rid of mites and allergies.

2.    Improve the aesthetics

A dull and dark bedroom cannot help you fall asleep. Decorate your bedroom the way you want to make it more comfy and welcoming. You don’t have to spend a ton of money to make your bedroom aesthetically appealing.

Decorate the walls of your bedroom by placing wall art. Take a look at your bedroom ceiling to identify if you should make any changes. You can also paint your bedroom to increase the visual appeal.

3.    Don’t work in your bedroom

It’s common for so many people to use their smartphones in bed. However, studies have disclosed that using your phone in bed can disturb your sleep. The blue light coming out of screens makes it hard to fall asleep.

Use of electronics keeps your brain awake that keeps you awake at night. Stop using your smartphone at least one hour before you go to bed to enjoy your sleep.

4.    Get rid of the clutter

Make sure you keep your bedroom clean and tidy to get proper sleep. A cluttered bedroom can stop you from focusing on sleeping. If you find things scattered everywhere in your bed, your attention will shift from sleeping to arranging the items. A cluttered bedroom can stop you from focusing on sleeping.

You can buy bedroom baskets to stash all your valuables and remove the clutter.

5.    Control the temperature

An extremely cold or warm bedroom can keep you disturbed at night. You won’t fall asleep if you’re sweating on your bed. You can control the temperature of your bedroom with a simple Air conditioner.

Avoid investing in a residential HVAC system if you don’t want to spend more money. Save your energy costs by running your AC for some time and then turning it off after optimizing the bedroom temperature.

6.    Choose comfort

Don’t choose costly items for your bedroom that look good but don’t serve any purpose. Your bedroom is your private place, and you should set it up the way you want. Avoid flashy items that will make it hard for you to enjoy your sleep.

Don’t buy any items that only serve the purpose of styling your bedroom. Have the goal of making your bedroom as comfy as possible to get proper sleep.

7.    Keep your bed tidy

Making your bed can help you improve your sleep. A survey done by the National Sleep Foundation has disclosed that people who make their bed in the morning are 19% more likely to enjoy their sleep. You should also build the habit of making your bed to enjoy more fulfilling sleep.

Another reason why making your bed is important is that it can make you more productive.

8.    Proper lighting in your bedroom

Lighting in your bedroom determines the quality of your sleep. If you find it hard to stay peaceful in your bedroom, you should try improving the lighting in your bedroom. Good lighting lifts up your mood and makes it easier for you to fall asleep. You should buy general lights, ambient lights, and specific lights for your bedroom to enhance the experience.

9.    Cover the windows

Window treatments allow you to enhance the atmosphere of your bedroom. Window covers increase the privacy of your bedroom and help you adjust the lighting and temperature of your bedroom. Pick bed frames https://puffy.com/products/puffy-bed-frame the right window treatments that compliment your bedroom’s theme. Prefer comfort over style as mentioned above to get the most out of money you spend on window coverings.

10. Go with aromatherapy

The presence of a foul smell in your bedroom can prevent you from falling asleep. If your bedroom doesn’t smell good, you can try out aromatherapy. Three natural oils, namely:

  • Lavender
  • Chamomile
  • Frankincense

Can help you fall asleep easily. These oils have sedative properties that help you relax and enjoy your nighttime. You can use an automatic dispenser to diffuse some oil droplets in air at fixed intervals.

11. Try meditation in your bedroom

Meditation can help you enjoy your sleep if you have tried it all but cannot fall asleep in your bedroom. You don’t have to spend a lot of money to try meditation. Yoga Nidra is one of the famous forms of yoga that can help you overcome stress and enjoy your sleep.

12. Buy a white noise machine

White noise can help you enjoy your sleep. Studies have suggested that white noise helps people reduce the time taken to fall asleep. The good thing about white noise machines is that they aren’t costly. Make sure you use the white noise machine at lower noise levels as louder white noise can also produce unwanted side-effects.

13. Get an alarm clock

Sleeping more than 7 hours regularly can also disturb your circadian rhythms. You have to build a morning routine so you can wake up after getting enough sleep. Placing an alarm in your bedroom can help you achieve this goal. Put the alarm clock away from your bed so you cannot hit the “Snooze” button in the morning.

14. Keep your bedroom ventilated

The presence of polluted air in the bedroom can promote the growth of bacteria, viruses, and allergens. Studies suggest that air indoors can get ten times more polluted than air outside in winter. The same can happen in summer if you keep the bedroom windows closed. Open the windows of your bedroom for some time daily to let the fresh air inside your bedroom.

15. Take the electronics out

The WFH routine is pushing people to stay online throughout the day. Most people use their smartphones in bed to stay connected with their office. But the use of electronics in your bed can also affect your sleep. It’s better to stop using your smartphone/laptop 90 minutes before you get in your bed for a good sleep.

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