What do IQ Tests Actually Test?

An intelligent quotient is a measure or a score determined by an IQ test. The intelligence quotient measures the intelligence of individuals. On the other hand, intelligence is the cognitive ability of an individual. Cognitive abilities include reasoning, comprehension, memory, understanding, Spatial reasoning, and more abstract thought.

What is IQ, and what does it test your cognitive skills?

Many people use intelligence and IQ interchangeably, but they refer to different things. The ability to grasp concepts and to hold onto them is what IQ tests measure. IQ tests gauge people’s short-term and long-term memories and assess the ability and speed of recalling information. The first IQ test by Wechsler grouped IQ within a range of numbers, and the most superior group ranges from 130 and above, while the lowest IQ levels are 69 and below. 120-129 is superior, 110-119, high average, average ranges between 90 and 109, the low average is 80-89, and 70-79 is well below average.

To improve your cognitive skills and get ready for the test practice a free IQ test with instant results.

Types of IQ tests

Various tests have been developed to measure IQ. The tests include; cognitive Assessment System, Kaufman tests, Woodcock-Johnson test of cognitive abilities, Wechsler Intelligence Scales, Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale, and Differential Ability Scales.

Relationship between IQ and learning

All children can learn despite their IQ levels. Children should have special education depending on their IQ to help them in the areas they are struggling with. A child with a considerably high intelligence quotient might be struggling with numbers or language. The following types of intelligence can help teachers and parents to know the strengths of the children.

Types of intelligence

People have various levels of intelligence, and it will lean towards all directions or in a particular direction. There are different types of intelligence and IQ tests all the categories to get the range. However, an individual might have one type of intelligence and lack the other. The types of intelligence include;

Linguistic intelligence

A linguistically intelligent person can use words effectively and proficiently. These individuals love reading, writing, and playing word games.

Logical-mathematical intelligence

Individuals with logical-mathematical intelligence can work with numbers and solve mathematical problems. These individuals think conceptually and can spot trends.

Intrapersonal intelligence

These individuals understand themselves and are self-motivated; they possess self-awareness.

Interpersonal intelligence

This individual can relate well with other people and can sense their emotions and feelings.

Visual-spatial intelligence

A person with visual-spatial intelligence can view the world in 3D. The capabilities involved include artistic skills, spatial reasoning, mental imagery, and image manipulation.

Musical intelligence

A person capable of recognizing sound and rhythm and can create music from that.

Existential intelligence

A person with existential intelligence can understand and explain to others issues concerning existence.

Naturalist intelligence

A naturalist, intelligent person understands nature and connects well with animals. A naturalist will also love spending time outdoors and is good at taking care of plants and animals.

Bodily-Kinaesthetic intelligence

The coordination of the body and mind is known as bodily-kinaesthetic intelligence.

IQ tests try to measure and grade the performance of individuals on all the above types of intelligence.

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