Kids Learn More When They Drink Water: Improve Water Quality at Home

We all know that water is important in life, but did you know that keeping kids hydrated helps them learn more? For starters, water forms a part of the fluid in the immune system, which only says that water helps fight off illnesses. In addition, each cell in the body needs water to function well, and is also good for digestion. This only means that kids stay healthy and in their best form for learning when they drink enough water. Moreover, dehydration affects the brain’s ability to receive and transmit information negatively. This, in turn, derails learning ability and mental performance including attention, memory, and concentration.

Homeschooling your kids isn’t that easy, but you can make it easier by encouraging your kids to drink enough water. Drinking enough water is especially important in hot summer months if you are to see your kids stay hydrated and fit to learn more. Moreover, getting kids to take more water starts with improving the quality, and hence, the taste of the water at home. Here are some of the ways that you can use to improve the quality of water in your home.

Home water filters

Water filters provide a great way to get rid of impurities and contaminants in water. Water filtration is also good at improving the taste of water, which makes it easier to consume. One of the best purification methods to use at home is reverse osmosis water filtration. With a reverse water filter, you can be sure that the water in your home is free from particles such as mercury, lead, chloride, iron, chlorine, and pesticide residue. You can opt to have the RO system attached to the refrigerator’s water dispenser or to have an under-sink installation with an RO faucet. For best results, ensure that you use cold water, as hot water is known to dissolve unwanted particles. In addition, change filters in time to ensure that your system continues to work effectively.

Replace the old plumbing

The pipes in your home could be contaminating the water without your knowledge. For instance, if the pipes are cracked, contaminants could be leaking into the water. If you live in an older home with copper pipes, these pipes could be leeching unwanted particles into the water. Copper pipes are known to contain a high amount of lead that goes into the water. Thirdly, pipes corrode easily as they age, and the corrosion can start changing how the water looks and tastes. What you can do is have a professional check your plumbing system. If any of the above issues are noticed, consider replacing the plumbing system. Ensure that you opt for lead-free pipes and other plumbing fixtures.

Flush the pipes

When water sits in the pipes for several hours, a build-up of harmful bacteria is bound to occur and metals leech into the water. For this reason, make it a habit to routinely flush your pipes if you have been away for some time or haven’t used the water for several hours. Before filling up a glass of water for your little ones, let the water run for about 2 minutes to let the contaminated water pass.

Use water softener

While water softeners don’t remove contaminants from water, they play a great role in improving the quality of the water in your home. Softeners usually remove minerals such as magnesium and calcium that make hard water soft. Soft water is much more palatable compared to hard water. In addition, soft water is kind to the pipes as it doesn’t easily corrode the pipes. This keeps harmful metals from the water, resulting in much-improved water for consumption.

Check your borehole/well

If you use water from a borehole or well, you know that the filtration process that corporations do is absent. You need to ensure that the water is treated before use as well as routinely check the chemical composition of the water. In addition, ensure that the well is well maintained and remains covered at all times. Leaving the well open and not mending cracks exposes the water to dirt, worms, and harmful bacteria.


If you have been struggling to get your homeschooled kids to focus, pay attention, become less irritable, or concentrate, your answer could well be lying in having them drink water. Getting them to stay hydrated is a great way to improve mental performance and general wellness. However, it is important to ensure that the water quality is improved to increase palatability and make it healthy for drinking. You can do this through the different ways listed above.

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