How To Contact Content Creators

You want to do influencer marketing, and you’ve prepared your campaign. You’ve also found content creators who align with your brand and analyzed their performance statistics. Now you’re ready to reach out.

But, sometimes it can be frustrating when it comes time to get in touch with content creators. You may not know how to begin the conversation, or even where to reach them. So, we’ve outlined some helpful tips to guide you in the right direction.

Choose the contact channel

Decide how you want to contact influencers. If you have their email address, you can simply write to them. If you don’t, don’t worry. You can reach out directly on social media. TikTok creators, Twitch streamers, and other types of creators can all receive direct messages on those networks.

If you don’t want to have the whole conversation via DMs, simply send an introduction message and let the creator know you’re interested in collaborating. You can then ask for their email or other contact info to reach out another way.

Contact more creators than you need

Response rates from content creators to brands looking to collaborate usually hover around 40%. This is quite low, so we recommend contacting twice as many creators as you’ll actually need for your campaign.

So if you’re running a small campaign with 2 creators, you should actually reach out to around 8. 

A few things can affect response rates. For example, if a creator has a manager, you’ll typically see higher rates. But, that’s because the manager will usually reply simply to send the creator’s fees.

Automate outreach for big campaigns

Automated outreach channels are more effective, especially when you’re contacting multiple influencers. Although there are many tools available to assist with outreach, we recommend Yet Another Mail Merge (YAMM). 

This Google add-on allows you to contact multiple influencers simultaneously. It also allows you to create email templates, and track the progress of your outreach. You can also use it for free to send up to 50 emails per day.

What to include in your first message

It must be clear and appealing to attract influencers, as we have already mentioned. Your message structure is crucial in making it easy-to-read. These are the points you should aim to include:

  • Introduction to provide a description about the brand and/or products.
  • The campaign’s objective and how this influencer could help.
  • Any incentive you offer, monetary or not.
  • The type and quantity of content you’d like them to post.
  • The campaign timeframe and when you would need them to publish by

Tips for writing to creators

No matter how many influencers you are contacting, or how few, it doesn’t matter if you use automated outreach or manual outreach. What matters is that your message stands out. It is important to make sure it is:

  • Attractive – to be attracted by influencers.
  • Concise – To grab their attention.
  • Personalized – No one likes a generic template.
  • Clear – Use subjects and titles to highlight important points.


You’ll be well on your path to sending out outreach emails with success if you get this far. This step will be easy with the help of influencer marketing platforms or tools like Google’s YAMM. Follow these tips to ensure a clear message and a high response rate. You can click here if you’d like to see the complete guide to micro-influencer marketing.

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