7 Tips for Selling Your Home

If you’ve decided to put your property for sale, you may already have accumulated a lot of information. For instance, you have likely viewed the homes of friends and neighbours that have sold recently. You looked at their price per square foot and other factors such as the costs involved in getting a new roof or driveway, which appliances were replaced within the last five years, etc.

But what’s the most effective strategy to selling your home?

Below are some proven tips that can help you get your home ready to sell and achieve the best price in a reasonable timeframe.

1. Clean, Clean, Clean!

Buyers would want to see the space where they may live, but they won’t be able to do so if your home is cluttered.

You need to make the impression that there is enough room by getting rid of unnecessary stuff from your flooring. Everything that won’t fit in the basement, garage, or wardrobe must go into storage. Remove all traces of clutter and hide some of your family photographs and personal effects.

” Then, clean your home from top to bottom. This means scrubbing all the floors, cleaning all the windows, and dusting the window coverings and other surfaces. It’s also essential to have your home smelling nice by using air fresheners or scented candles. If you’re looking for professional help, check out Bright Touch Cleaning for more details. ”

Furthermore, rearrange your furniture to make it seem more pleasant. Make sure buyers have ample room to wander around and avoid hitting things.

2. Fix all the problems in your house

Buyers would want to live in a home without any problems or hazards in it. So before putting up your house for sale on the local market, fix all the minor issues that may dismay potential buyers. Repair leaky faucets and leaking taps. Also, fix all faulty electrical outlets and power lines.

Other home repairs that you can do include:

– changing worn-out light fittings

– cleaning clogged drains

– removing rust from metal furniture

– repairing broken tiles on the kitchen

Tackle all the necessary repairs – from top to bottom – and your house will be ready to sell.

3. Define the rooms

A spacious living room, an effective L-shaped kitchen, four bedrooms – you’d have to walk buyers through each part of your home so that they can envision themselves living in their dream home.

Even if the buyers don’t intend to use each room for the purpose you’ve designated, let them know that every room in the house is a functional area. This includes the corners, breakfast nooks and window seats.

4. Spruce up the exteriors

A well-maintained exterior would surely entice first home buyers to take a closer look at your property.

Give your exteriors a good face-lift by:

– Pruning overgrown trees and shrubs

– Weeding the garden and adding fresh mulch or compost

– Planting flowers in strategic areas

– Adding a few yards of decorative stones

Adding a fresh coat of paint can do wonders, too. Choose a new colour that enhances the curb appeal.

5. Set a reasonable asking price

To help you determine the realistic price for your property, it is important to remember that no two homes are alike. Therefore, your selling price should reflect the unique features and selling points of your house.

6. Take high-resolution pictures of your home

Including high-resolution images of your own property in your online listings has been proven to be an effective strategy to sell a property fast. Sellers who use photos stand out from the crowd and can often sell their homes online within just 1-2 days.

A high-quality photo of your property on reputable real estate websites and other online advertising or property sales platforms will convince interested buyers that your property is worth visiting. Therefore, don’t be afraid to use a professional camera and invest in high-quality lenses. You can also capture additional videos that show how you interact with specific parts of the house.

7. Hire a real estate agent

Hiring a real estate agent is among the smartest decisions you can make when selling your house.

Good real estate agents will have extensive knowledge of the current housing market and will be able to help negotiate or price your home accordingly.

Moreover, real estate agents employ effective marketing strategies and will be able to sell your home in a reasonable period of time. They can help you create proper online listings and often have access to a wider pool of potential buyers.

The bottom line

You must develop a strategy for selling your home to get the best price. Remember that it takes preparation – mentally / financially – to ensure quick success. Remove all clutter, make the necessary repairs and replacements, spruce up the landscaping, set a reserve price, take quality shots of your home, and employ the best real estate agents you can find. These key steps will help make the selling process as smooth as possible.

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