Texting Online: Tips and Tricks for Better Conversations With Your Customers

In today’s digital age, texting has become a common way for businesses to communicate with customers. However, not all text messages are created equal. If you want to have better conversations with your customers through text, here are seven texting tips and tricks to keep in mind:

Keep It Brief and to the Point

When sending text messages to your customers, it’s important to keep the text brief and to the point. Customers are often busy and don’t have the time or patience to read long messages. So be clear about the purpose of your message and get straight to the point.

Personalise Your Messages

Personalising your messages is important to building stronger relationships with your customers. By tailoring your messages to each customer’s specific needs and interests, you can make them feel valued and appreciated.

One way to personalise your messages is to use the customer’s name. Addressing a customer by name can help create a sense of familiarity and establish a more personal connection. For example, if a customer asks a question, you can respond, “Hi John, thanks for reaching out. Here’s the answer to your question.” This simple gesture can greatly affect how the customer perceives your business.

Use Emojis and Gifs

Another way to improve your texting conversations with customers is to use emojis and GIFs. These visual elements help you add a little personality to your messages and make them more engaging for your customers.

Emojis are a great way to convey emotions and tone in your messages. They can help you express excitement, gratitude, humour, and many other difficult emotions to convey through text alone. For example, if a customer thanks you for your help, you can respond with a thumbs-up or a heart emoji to show your appreciation. Be careful not to overdo it with emojis, as too many can make your messages look unprofessional.

Respond Quickly

Customers expect prompt responses when they text a business, so a quick response is important. Try responding to text messages within a few minutes or at least the same day. If you can’t respond immediately, let your customers know when they can expect a response.

One way to ensure a prompt response is to set up automated message notifications. This can be done through various messaging platforms like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, or SMS. These automated notifications can alert you immediately when a customer message is received, allowing you to respond promptly.

Use Language Your Customers Can Understand

Avoid using technical jargon or industry-specific terms in your text messages. Instead, use language that your customers can understand and relate to. This helps to create a better customer experience and shows that you value their time and understanding.

Proofread Your Messages

Customers expect professionalism and attention to detail from businesses they interact with. For example, a message full of spelling or grammatical errors can make them think your business is sloppy or unprofessional. It can also make your message difficult to read and understand.

To avoid this, it’s important to proofread your messages before sending them. Take the time to carefully read through your message and check for any spelling or grammar errors. Use the autocorrect feature on your device, but double-check its suggestions to ensure that it is suggesting the right word. If you need clarification on the correct spelling or grammar, use a tool like Grammarly or Hemingway to double-check your work.

Don’t Overdo It

While texting online can be a great way to communicate with customers, it’s important not to overdo it. Avoid sending too many messages, as this can be spammy or intrusive. Only send text messages when you have something important to communicate or when it’s necessary to follow up with a customer.


Texting can be a powerful tool for businesses to communicate with their customers. By following these texting tips and tricks, you can create better conversations with customers and improve the customer experience. Remember to keep your messages brief, personalise them, respond quickly, use language your customers can understand, proofread your messages, and avoid overdoing them. Doing so can build stronger relationships with your customers and increase customer satisfaction.

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