How to Make the Perfect Real Estate Listings

Optics are fundamental when it comes to a real estate listing. It brings to light the true potential of a property and also highlights the key selling features. People usually use home selling sites to assess several properties before physically visiting them in the modern age. Through these listings, buyers usually develop an opinion about them. Therefore, it is important to make the perfect real estate listing to maximize the chances of it selling.

If you are wondering how to get real estate agent listings, brings you several ways to prepare for a sellable listing that attracts a lot of attention and sells faster.


It is always the best idea to declutter the property before taking any pictures. A cluttered space clutters the mind and creates an uneasy feeling. That uneasy feeling sets the tone for the buyer’s future property impressions, and the buyer carries that feeling into the rest of the house inspection process. It is best to start with the space that will be first shown to the buyer. If you plan on showing your lounge first, start by decluttering it. Then move to the next busy station.

Alternatively, if you are doing everything yourself, start with the place that seems the most daunting. It can be the kitchen or the kids’ room. By starting with the most intimidating room, you’ll finish the difficult task in the start to take off the steam. It will be easier for you to carry that sense of achievement into other areas of your house.


After decluttering, the single most important thing to do is to stage the house. If you have the resources, it is best to hire a professional to do the job. If not, you can always do it yourself. Home staging enables you to achieve your desired feeling in the space. It helps sell properties faster and makes a better home listing. You can set up your house to make it suitable for kids, couples, joint families or friends; it depends on your target audience. However, you can also opt for a generic setup that ticks all the boxes.


What will help you create the perfect property description? Knowing what you’re selling! Like every other excellent house listing, you should be able to sell the key features of your home impeccably. You should be able to garner attention to the unique features in your space that give it a comparative edge over your competitors. If it’s the abundant sunlight pouring in, or that big stone fireplace or even that humongous backyard, you should be able to cash out on those unique house selling features. Not only the pictures but the description in the listing should also reflect that.


Once you’ve prepped your space and examined it to make a list of all the nooks and corners you want to highlight, choose an appropriate time for the photo shoot to allow you to take the perfect pictures for your listing. Depending on the features of your property, choose the time – sunset or sunrise – for the kind of mood you want to create. For example, if you have a big pool, try shooting at noon to create that happy and vibrant vibe. Similarly, if you have a vacation property with great views, shoot at sunset to set a mood. Either way, timing is vital to highlight the important features.


You would have done everything right, but if you don’t have professional pictures, chances are your listing is not hitting the bullseye. According to experts, a good DSLR can make all the difference. It is not necessary to have them professionally taken, but a similar outcome can be achieved with the right equipment. Utilize tripods and off-camera flashes to take stable and well-lit pictures. Also, acquaint yourself with the right camera settings for maximum effect.


When you have the material to upload, create compelling house descriptions to captivate the attention of potential buyers. Real estate listing descriptions should be written in a compelling manner, but they should also be accurate. For example, if you have used real estate words like colossal while your house is barely 1500 square feet, that will push away clients. It is unwise to set unrealistic expectations. It results in a zero-sum game. The rule of thumb is, be honest but do it smartly and creatively, highlighting the key features of your property.

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