How to Grow Pet-Friendly Plants Safe for Cats and Dogs

The plants on your console table or the entryway don’t just look good. They help purify the air, improve your mood, act as destressers, improve productivity, and act as natural humidifiers. Yet, some of these plants are fatally poisonous to your pets. While you can try positioning these plants in a far-to-reach or pet-safe spot, your furry babies may find a way to get to them. Beautify your space without harming your pets by growing pet-friendly plants in your home. So, which houseplants are safe for your pets?

Let’s explore pet-friendly houseplants and how you can grow and nurture them.

African Violet

This beautiful plant yields pink, white, or purple blooms. The white/pink/purple-petalled plant is not harmful to your cats and dogs and colorful addition to your home. Most African violets plants spring up from cuttings. If you’re up for a challenge, your can start with an African violet seed. It’s consuming. You’ll need a moist growing medium, such as peat moss and direct sunlight. Place it under a LED grow light if you can’t access direct sunlight. Frequently mist the peat moss to keep it moist. It will take a week to 2 months for the seeds to germinate. Alternatively, you can buy an already propagated African violet plant and transfer it to a ceramic pot. Baby African violet will need moderate watering. Keep the baby blooms under the LED grow lights or in direct sunlight. Be sure to regularly feed the plant. You can mix the food with water or add it to the soil.


The orchid plant and flowers clean indoor air by getting rid of xylene and other airborne toxins present in your home. On top of that, it’s a pet-friendly plant. You can start out with seeds or cuttings. Due to the intense cleaning and growing medium preparation needed to grow orchids seeds, a propagated orchid would be the best place to begin. Get the propagated orchid plant from a reputable store. Repot it for optimal success. When repotting, remove excess moss and trim any rotten roots. Plant it in a pot with good drainage. Plant it in an orchid mixture. The plant needs enough light, preferably direct early morning sunlight. It also thrives in high humidity. Ensure there’s adequate airflow around its roots. It needs lots of water. Alternate periods of dryness and heavy watering.

Boston Fern

Boston ferns are not only pet-friendly but also help to keep the air fresh. To nurture luscious Boston fern, you need to start with the right growing conditions. Start by transferring the store-bought Boston fern into a pot with peat moss mixture. Position the pot in place with indirect light and high humidity. You’ll have to give it extra humidity and heat during the winter. Set up a humidity tray for your plants and lightly mist the plant every 2 to 3 days.

Areca Palm

The stunning areca palm brightens any indoor space. What’s more, the plant is pet-friendly. Repot it into a sand-peat moss pot mixture. Use a pot that has good drainage. The plant is a big feeder. Feed it regularly. Hold on to the feeding when it’s dormant. Areca palm enjoys sunlight but it cannot stand direct sunlight. If your home doesn’t let in enough sunlight, think of buying an LED grow light. Only water the plant when the potting mixture dries out. Overwatering the areca palm will lead to root rot. Maintain a temperature range of 65-70 degrees Fahrenheit to get optimal results.

Polka Dot plant

The brightly colored plant stands out when hanged or positioned against a neutral background. Fortunately, the plant is pet-friendly. The plant needs a warm and humid environment. It also needs well-drained and rich soil. The plant needs lots of water. You’ll have to water it regularly. When grown indoors, the plant will need bright and indirect light. You can place it 2 feet from a south-facing or east-facing window. Alternatively, you can put it 4 to 6 inches under LED grow light. Remember to feed with organic fertilizer each month. Prune it occasionally to avoid a leggy polka dot plant.

Final Thoughts

There is no reason to compromise the safety of your pets. These beautiful plants will keep your home looking beautiful without putting your furry babies at risk.

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