Based on the search results, here is a summary of editing blood bandage PNG images:
PNG images with transparent backgrounds of bloody bandages can be downloaded for free from sites like Freepik and Freeiconspng. These images come in icon format or PNG format and can have the background cleaned already.
The blood bandage PNG images are commonly used in horror/terror project compositions and photo manipulations. Tutorials on YouTube demonstrate how to edit photos using apps like PicsArt to create bloody/gory effects with head bandages and blood splatter.

Specific ways the blood bandage PNGs could be edited include:
- Overlaying onto body parts or heads in photos to create injured/bandaged looks
- Using splatter PNGs to make blood effects drip or splash in compositions
- Combining with other horror elements like hands and drops to increase the gore
- Applying filters like blur or liquefy to make the blood pools and bandages look more realistic
- Masking and layering multiple blood PNGs for emphasis
- Resizing, rotating, and changing color to match the photos/compositions

So in summary, the transparent PNG format makes the blood bandage images easy to manipulate for gory photo edits and horror projects. Sites offer lots of choices that can be customized in various ways with apps like PicsArt.